Friday, May 13, 2011

Mount And Blade Relations Cheat

Van Ditmar, "foreign investors have come several officials bought and settled them papers"


Van Ditmar, uncovering the pot will

van_ditmar_inmob Federico Van Ditmar , family patriarch and leader of the historic buildings of the same name was always known in Bariloche for the "audacity" of its commercial forms and the size of your roast. Menem's decade, with its painful delivery policy to millionaires and foreign national heritage, whether natural resources or land, he created the Real Van Ditmar ideal conditions to grow your business in the shadow of " good relations "with the municipal and provincial political power in la página de la inmobiliaria se promociona esta ventaja competitiva de “Nuestras buenas relaciones”. Hasta donde la inmobiliaria Van Ditmar vende bienes inmuebles y hasta donde grandes negociados inmobiliarios en sociedad con  funcionarios corruptos , es el tema de fondo  del caso Lewis-Lago Escondido.
Todavía se lee en la web de Van Ditmar:
“Nuestras buenas relaciones con la comunidad local nos permiten generar soluciones efectivas cuando se requiere la obtención de permisos gubernamentales, particularmente ante las autoridades provinciales y municipalidades, así como ante la Dirección Nacional de Parques Nacionales y la National Commission on Safety Zones. "Sincere
euphemism which means:" come foreign investors have purchased several staff roles accommodate them. " The complaint by the Ombudsman's Office about how Lewis was land surrounding Lake Escondido, with the help of Van Ditmar, and a border security zone is addressing this real estate practice specialty Van Ditmar.
case-Lago Escondido Lewis probably meant the masterpiece of Federico Van Ditmar, so much so placed as an administrator of this work to one of his sons, Nicholas Van Dirma, recently famous for his threats to Pocho Lehner, their bravado to embrace corporate winchester and the Governor Saiz.
The report of the Ombudsman's Office released by page 12 begins to unravel the fabric of the real estate business that included thousands of acres prosecutors plowed asset stripping our province that are ours, but all of our children.
Advocate Martínez Pérez, the clan Van Ditmar, Governor Saiz with all staff involved, and Echeverría, Pedranti, etc.etc., The media promoted by action or omission putting its commercial interests, Installation of a feud in our province in the XXI century, and all citizens to a mentality of medieval subjects and dazzled by the obscene wealth (houses, helicopters, airports, hydroelectric , ski resorts etc) in a country with starving, defend and promote the heritage that we continue to deliver all, are the architects of this plot that never ceases to amaze.
By this time we have no doubt that both Lewis and Van Ditmar will regret the denying free access to Lago Escondido citizens and Odarda legislator, when one has so much to hide should not make waves, I would have advised a wise old man, but it's too late, the pot is uncovered, the contents spilling out and burning them all.

-Hidden Lake lies

-Awesome twist in the case Lago Escondido, purchase of land by Lewis would be illegal

"Not hydropower Lewis



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